Shoulder Pain in Columbia

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Jackie Davis

My experience at Pinnacle has helped my back & my shoulders. My therapist takes time to explain what he’s going to do & how its going to relieve the pain. All of questions are being explained to my by detail so I will understand. I have been to other Physical Rehabs and by far Pinnacle is the best ! They also follow Covid safety. I’m very impressed. Thank you Pinnacle!!

Elaine Taylor

I had an extremely bad break of my left arm to shoulder in February, 2017. The doctor advised me that it would take a year to get good range of motion back. My doctor was amazed with my progress yesterday, October 26, 2017 and has released me from his care and physical therapy! Brandon was my therapist & he was great! They are all great! I would recommend Pinnacle Physical therapy to everyone! I had a lot of personal issues going on during my thrapy and still exceeded my doctor’s expectations. I expect to be going back there soon to take care of my back and neck now.

Dealing with Shoulder Pain: Finding Relief and Recovery

Is reaching up to grab something from a high shelf becoming a challenge because of shoulder pain? Do you feel discomfort when resting on your side at night? Does it disturb your sleep? Shoulder pain can significantly impact your daily life, whether from a recent injury or a chronic condition. It can range from a temporary nuisance like a muscle strain to a more persistent condition like arthritis. Fortunately, physical therapy offers a natural and effective solution for managing shoulder pain. Our expert physical therapists are ready to help you alleviate pain and restore your shoulder’s functionality.

Understanding the Complexities of Shoulder Pain in Columbia

Unfortunately, your shoulder, a complex joint known for its flexibility and strength, is prone to discomfort. It’s a ball-and-socket joint, with the humerus (upper arm bone) fitting into a socket in the scapula (shoulder blade). Cartilage provides cushioning for these bones, while bursae reduce friction between tendons and bones. The rotator cuff, comprised of muscles and tendons, enables a wide range of shoulder movements. Pain can occur when any of these components are affected.

The type of shoulder pain can vary widely. Tendon impingement, for instance, might cause pain while lifting the arm but eases before reaching full extension. Arthritis can result in a constant, dull ache, whereas acute injuries might cause sharp, intense pain.

Identifying Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Several conditions can lead to shoulder pain, including:

  • Arthritis: This encompasses osteoarthritis, where joint cartilage wears away with age, and rheumatoid arthritis, which involves the immune system attacking joint membranes.
  • Tendonitis: Overuse of the shoulder can lead to tendon inflammation, causing pain, especially during movement.
  • Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae, often due to tendon friction, can make overhead activities painful.
  • Dislocation: A dislocated shoulder, where the humerus is forced out of its socket, is intensely painful and can make it more prone to future dislocations.
  • Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis): Lack of movement, perhaps from using a sling or not exercising, can result in significant shoulder stiffness.

Physical Therapy: Your Route to Relief and Recovery

Physical therapy is a proven, safe alternative to surgery for addressing shoulder pain. Physical therapists conduct thorough diagnostic evaluations, including X-rays and movement assessments, to pinpoint the exact cause of your discomfort. This precise diagnosis allows them to develop a customized treatment plan comprising various therapeutic techniques.
Physical therapy can effectively manage pain from conditions like osteoarthritis, alleviate stiffness in frozen shoulders, and address bursitis. Common treatments include:

  • Applying heat and cold.
  • Making ergonomic adjustments.
  • Engaging in targeted exercises to strengthen and stabilize the shoulder.

Embark on Your Recovery Journey in Columbia

Recovery begins with a comprehensive evaluation by your physical therapist, who will ask detailed questions about the nature of your pain, including when it started, its severity, what aggravates it, and any relieving factors. They will assess your shoulder’s range of motion and strength.

Based on this assessment, your therapist will propose a treatment plan, including strategies for managing pain, avoiding specific movements, manual therapy like massages, and exercises to improve shoulder functionality. For some diagnoses, strengthening exercises might be included. Following your therapist’s recommendations is vital to a successful recovery.

Are you experiencing shoulder pain due to an injury or other condition? Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation with a physical therapist. Let’s embark on your path to recovery and help you return to a life free from shoulder pain!