How to Quickly and Easily Return to Sport with Physical Therapy

How to Quickly and Easily Return to Sport with Physical Therapy

March 12, 2020

Did you know that according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, over 2 million high school athletes suffer from sports-related injuries annually? Additionally, 3.5 million kids under the age of 14 also receive treatment for sports-related injuries annually. This doesn’t even include the number of adult athletes that get injured from a sport.

Whatever age you are, or level of physical ability you may have, physical therapy can help you in enhancing the healing process of a sports injury. With our sports injury rehabilitation programs, you will be able to get back to doing the activities you love in no time. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get off the sideline and return to your sport, give our office a call today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained physical therapist.

3 ways sports injury rehabilitation treatments will benefit you:

  • Physical therapy provides relief without the use of harmful drugs or invasive surgeries.

Your physical therapist will create a treatment plan for you, based on your individual needs. physical therapy is a natural and holistic approach to healing, including services such as:

  • Manual therapy.

This may include massage or joint mobilizations.

  • Modalities.

This may include specialized treatments that your physical therapist has been certified to perform, such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation.

  • Therapeutic exercises.

Physical therapy has been proven to be successful in treating both acute and chronic injuries, such as ligament sprains, muscle strains, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendinitis, and more. Your physiotherapist will teach you about what your body is experiencing and the recovery process it will go through. You and your physiotherapist will work together to help you reach your physical goals, allowing you to be engaged and active in your rehabilitation.

  • Your treatment plan will be unique to you and your needs.

Physical therapist understand that no two athletes are the same – so no two treatment plans should be the same, either. Everyone experiences pain and injury differently, and everyone’s body recovers in different ways. After a thorough physical evaluation, your physiotherapist will create a treatment plan based on your type of injury, stage of recovery, personal goals, and any underlying conditions.

Your treatment plan will follow detailed steps all leading to your end goal: return to sport. For example, in the beginning stages of your recovery, your treatments will be focused on pain relief, inflammation reduction, and tissue healing. Once the pain is alleviated and the swelling is no longer present, you’ll move on to the next part of your treatment plan, focusing on restoring your strength, balance, endurance, and range of motion, in addition to activating your central nervous system.

If you were referred by a doctor or surgeon, your physical therapist will also take into account any special instructions you may have been given regarding physical activity. Your physiotherapist will work closely with anyone else involved in the medical treatment and rehabilitation of your sports injury.

  • Physical therapist will help treat your current injury and prevent future ones from happening.

Our physical therapist are experienced and compassionate about helping others. They have a vast depth of insight on rehabilitation treatments, including prevention of future injuries. A physical therapist is an expert in movement, with the ability to identify factors contributing to your injury that you may not have even considered. This may include limitations on your range of motion, motor control impairment, or weakness of the core. When these factors are addressed, your risk of injury significantly decreases.

Physical therapy offers so much more than current symptom relief – it offers sports injury prevention and natural performance enhancement. If you are an athlete suffering from a sports-related injury, don’t waste any more time on the sidelines. Take your recovery to the next level with our physical therapy team. Confirm your appointment today and get started on the right track toward returning to the sport you love!

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